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We are often asked how do you learn to play the ukulele.  We have created a video series you can do at home with the goal of joining that Ukulele Club!


Beginner Strumming Lesson Series
a Free Beginner Strumming Lesson Series
to use as a student or to teach with.

Sheet music is available at this link
Beginner Strumming Songbook  has all 52 lessons for printing and/or tablet friendly

Videos to strum a-long to are available at
Huntsville Ukulele Canada's' Youtube Channel


What size of ukulele should I buy?


As a beginner, you have 3 great options:  Soprano, Concert and Tenor.  Which one is better?   Some beginners find a wider neck easier to play as the frets are larger giving you more room to move your fingers.  Some people find the sound of the smaller ukulele more fun and prefer the Soprano or Concert

Tip:  Already know how to play guitar?  A Baritone ukulele is tuned exactly like the top four strings of a guitar D-G-B-E.  In other words, a baritone ukulele is like a guitar without the two lowest strings.

Ukulele sizes

Now you can join that Ukulele Club.


Join that Ukulele Club, they're having so much fun they won't notice your mistakes
Ukulele Basic Chord Chart

Highway 11 Corridor Ukulele Players

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